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Services have remained stable and our Tier 1 provider has confirmed that an issue on their core network was identified and addressed earlier this afternoon.
Pulsant will continue to monitor for the next few hours before restoring normal transit resilience at 9PM BST.
» UpdatedFrom our service provider
On further investigation, Pulsant identified significant intermittent issues affecting one of our resilient Tier 1 transit providers. Our core network engineers took the decision to re-route traffic via alternate paths.
» Updatedthe incident seems to have passed but we have not had a confirmation of resolution from our service provider as of yet, so we will, as always, be monitoring the situation and updating as we have more information
» Updatedfrom our main server provider
Investigating - We’re currently investigating reports of service interruption affecting core network connectivity. At this time we do not believe this to be a Pulsant infrastructure issue and initial troubleshooting points towards a Tier 1 transit provider outage affecting multiple ISPs.
» UpdatedWe are current investigating a major networking incident causing intermittent network connectivity to various servers and service, our engineers are aware of and are investigating the issue now
» Updated